Tag Archives: nerdy

Love Your Pet Day Giveaway

Pet Contest

February 20th is Love Your Pet Day, and at Runway Games, we love our pets. Who doesn’t love their fury (or scaly) family members?

In honor of love your pet day, Runway Games is doing a contest giveaway for a Red Sea Exodus t-shirt and other customized items. We will be selected the ugliest pet, and the cutest pet. To enter, send us a photo of your pet and all its glory. You may either contact us on Facebook, Twitter, or email info@runway-games.com. You have until the 19th! Get snapping!

Happy Holidays from Runway Games! We Made This Just for You!

nerdy card2

Obligatory holiday post combined with shameless marketing opportunity!

We at Runway Games would like to send you good tidings in this season and all seasons! We are always thankful for your invaluable support. We are always rooting for ya, kid, regardless of the holidays or not, unlike your old T-Ball team who laughed every time you missed the ball and smacked yourself with the bat.

How could you show your loved ones that you’re thankful for them this season? Give them the gift of Solar Roller and Red Sea Exodus for Android and iOS!

Guest Post: Building the Lego-verse

The following piece is a guest blog entry. The views expressed in it are not necessarily those of Runway Games and are entirely those of the author. For more posts like this by the author, check out this page.

Some previous work – images provided from his kickstarter page.

I grew up with Legos. They were my favorite toys growing up, and I still have a bucket of them even today. For some people, Legos are more than just something they have fun with. There are some who get to “play” with Legos for a living; they make models that then go on display.

One of the people who has built such models is Thomas Benedict, a gentleman of Canada. He’s previously made huge models, but the one he’s got now on Kickstarter is the most ambitious Lego project I have ever heard of. Continue reading Guest Post: Building the Lego-verse

And Firefly Fans Everywhere Rejoice! Fan-Made Short from Loot Crate

We may never get that next season no matter how many rumors we hear, but we can smile with nostalgia as we watch this fan-made short by Loot Crate. The short is called “The Verse,” and it is most definitely a welcome addition to the Firefly community!

Given the film is only 14 minutes long, it does provide a decent narrative that leaves room to grow with future episodes (hopefully). No real details are given to the characters backstories, but it quickly establishes those charismatic personalities our beloved Firefly is known for! Combined with some classic Firefly elements, like using the Old Western-style planets and Asian influence, it is enough to make any super-fan squeal with delight.

For all of us Browncoats who will never accept that Mal and Inara may never share that first kiss (first non-poisonous kiss, anyway), it definitely will bring a smile to your face. Never let go, Browncoats! Never let go!