Tag Archives: cad

You Didn’t Know We Were Working on This


You may have noticed our posts have slowed down. Well, there are a couple reasons, and it isn’t because we are lazy and don’t love you. Like pizza, we will always be there for you, through thick and thin (especially the thick).

One: The world wouldn’t be able to handle that much awesomeness until the holidays are over with.

Two: We are working on some separate projects in another department.

Three: Working with this department is going to help us make even better games.

So what does is this mythical department do, you ask? It is ISM’s 3D Visualization Services (3DVS). This company is really awesome. They’re sort of like our big brother – related but oh-so-separate (we’re the cool one). They are on the cutting edge of technology, using Revit, Unity, 3DS Max, Sketchup, Inventor, and AutoCAD to make their virtual renditions. And did I mention they use the Oculus Rift to explore them? Continue reading You Didn’t Know We Were Working on This